Local Government Committee (LGC) Report

LGC Reports are a compilation of notes taken at LG meetings, and information shared with the LGC.
Reports do not reflect the official positions of the Bonneville County Republican Party. We encourage the reader to research information and consider all sides of any issue. The intent of the LGC is to inform citizens of Bonneville County and encourage them to become involved in all levels of their community.
Cheryl Papke attended the Road & Bridge & Zoning Weekly Meeting of the Bonneville County
Commissioners on Oct 26, 2022. These are notes from that meeting.
Stop Signs on 49th St on the corners of 15th and 25th.
• There are currently stop signs (2way) at these intersections, need to add LED stop signs (4 way) due to
safety concerns
• These intersections are on the boundaries of Ammon, Idaho Falls, and Bonneville Co
• only 3 of the corners are Bonneville County
• Need 4 LED Stop Signs – there is no power to the area probably need solar although there may be
power available from Sand Creek golf course
• $792 for both intersections (4 way stops LED lights)
• There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Ammon and IF that outlines the
management of these roads
• While the city has annexed portions of the properties in the area, they have not annexed the road
• Traffic counters have been installed and they are getting more than 1000 vehicles per day on 25th
• There was a recent fatality on 25th and 49th. Commissioner Reed emphasizing the need to get to a
solution. There have been some struggles with Mayor Casper and the city lawyer, Sean Colletti.
• Traffic lights are eventually needed at Holmes/49th S and 15th / 49th –the stop signs are just an interim solution
45TH E right of way
• Some decisions on the expanded rights of way on 45th E needs to be made no later than March 15
• Contractor is involved (has to do with builders will not get out before then)
• Landowners must make decisions before that date - contractor bids expected on Friday
• 4 owners have not accepted offer – can’t get full market value
◦ on Lincoln road- Have certified appraisals Most done in Feb / March 2022
◦ market values headed down - peaked in August
◦ Commissioners had given latitude to negotiate up
◦ Commissioner Reed suggested Jan 15th as a target date to finalize settlements, gives wiggle
25th and 65th in 7 years
• Ammon and Idaho Falls intentions of growing housing developments out there
• Annexing pretty high end homes - Sand Creek Dunes city may come in and Annex for high density 49th
S by the river by boat ramp by Gem Lake plans for high density housing
• Proposal is to extend centralized city and water to the area
• Plan is to have the Idaho Falls developer pay for that Improvement on 49th South
• Gem Lake Harbour #2 Annex outside 17th N. approve annex go outside Idaho Falls and AMMON are annexing farm land
• Bridges cost typically $1,000,000
• Commissioner Reed wants to strengthen language and protect Agriculture
• This affects Bonneville Co – called the City area of impact (?)
• Bonneville Co Sent the city a list of areas of impact – so far they have not heard from the city
There was a discussion about a Permit for Outwest to put in fiber somewhere.
Bonneville County Commissioner Meeting
Commissioners were talking with the Bonneville County Attorney, and he said the Judge approved the Bond for Eastern Idaho Regional Authority.
In addition the four parties (Bonneville, Bingham Counties, Ammon and Shelly) involved in the agreement to put together a package to propose to the Governor for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (located in Shelly) for $34,000,000. To complete plants expansion to accommodate the growth
that is running a peak capacity. The $34,000,000 is part of the $415,000,000 the Governor received from the Federal Grant Funds.
The vote in May will be on the ballot is to propose to form a Sewer District for the regions serviced by that plant. Melaluca and Andrus already put up 1.4 million towards the design and
installation of the sewer line.
Please refer to the letter from the Ammon Mayor, it adds to the “whys” and “benefits” for the citizens.