Local Government Committee (LGC) Report Report DATE: 10-16-2023
LGC Reports are a compilation of notes taken at LG meetings, and information shared with the committee from organizations and community members.
Reports do not reflect the official positions of the Bonneville County Republican Party. We encourage the reader to research information and consider all sides of any issue. The intent of the LGC is to inform citizens of Bonneville County and encourage them to become involved in all levels of their community and local government.

1. Public hearing- rezone request from LC, Limited Commercial to CC, Central
Commercial for the area generally located north of Whittier St, east of N Freeman
Ave, south of E Elva St, west of Holmes Ave.
Approved with a 3-2 vote. Those voting against it felt that that the LC zoning gave
enough options. A citizen testified that they are concerned about the sewer and
traffic. One of the options proposed was converting the existing motel into an
apartment complex.
2. Public hearing- rezone from LC, Limited Commercial and PUD overlay to LC,
Limited Commercial removing the PUD Overlay for the area generally known as
north of US Hwy 20, east of the Snake River, south of Higham St, west of
Freemont Ave.
Approved- the area was so fragmented that it was hard to develop unless the PUD
was removed.
Note: whenever a zone change is requested, if it is not approved, it cannot be
reapplied for within 6 months.
3. Business- final plat approved for the Pickering Place Division 1, generally located
north of Lincoln Rd, east of Whispering Pines Dr, south of 24th, N west of N 25th
E. 8 lots next to Cosco. Takes the place of the storage plans.