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Local Citizens Recognized in "Bonneville's Best"

Writer's picture: Bonneville ECABonneville ECA

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

Local Government Committee (LGC) Report Report DATE: 12-12-22

LGC Reports are a compilation of notes taken at LG meetings, and information shared with the committee from organizations and community members.

Reports do not reflect the official positions of the Bonneville County Republican Party. We encourage the reader to research information and consider all sides of any issue. The intent of the LGC is to inform citizens of Bonneville County and encourage them to become involved in all levels of their community and local government.

Point of interest regarding our recent election -shared by Janice McGeachin

Voter turnout was down this year, with fewer than 600,000 Idahoans voting in the 2022 General Election. During the last mid-term election (2018), more than 612,000 Idahoans voted, and our population has grown considerably since that election.

This reduced turnout may be attributable to fewer competitive statewide races. In 2018, the closest statewide race was for Superintendent of Public Instruction, which the Republican candidate won by just three percentage points. In 2022, the closest statewide race was for Attorney General, and the Democrat candidate lost by 25 points!


Bonneville’s Best is a chance to recognize the good things happening in our community. Do you know a person or business that is making a positive difference? Please send your short story (one or two small paragraphs) to

Submitted by Jilene Burger

Kudos to Corey and the management of Edwards Theater for the help they gave the couple who drove all the way from Jackson to watch The Chosen and then weren’t able to see the movie since the gentleman got sick. Corey did everything he could to help the sick man feel comfortable while waiting for the EMTs, and gave the couple free tickets to come back and watch a movie of their choice when he is feeling better. He even gave a ticket to our PCO, Jilene Burger, since she missed part of the movie while trying to help this man (kudos to her as well!)


Commissioner Bryon Reid November 29, 2022 -Submitted by Jayne Wolf

Questions regarding the Gem Lake area

The County is taking over a land island North of Idaho Falls. This is close to Jefferson County. The county has been taking care of this area. It will officially become county part of the county.

The development of the gem Lake area Residential Property Annex:

49th South near Gem Harbor . U shaped property to be annexed.

The city of Idaho Falls has sent notification that the property is to be annexed. The county has no say in this annexation per Austin Black Zoning Administrator. This property is still in the planning stage. Zoning administrator Black has noted to the City of Idaho Falls potential issues of traffic and that utilities are far from this area. The City told him that utilities and traffic will be handled by the developer.

Businesses Development Annex:

R.C. Willy still has permission to develop a distribution center at Sunnyside and Highway 15.

Irrigation in the South area of Bonneville County

We are currently at 140% water reserves. Currently there are no projections for the status of irrigation water for the coming season. Every month the county Commissioners receive a report from the

Bureau of Recreation updating the status of water reserves. For detailed information regarding Water management; Water Education; Implementing of Conservation Measures; or Demonstration of innovative technologies, go to Bureau of Reclamation Water Conservation Field Services Program (WCFSP) website, ( ).

Wells Approvals

Our commissioners cannot address the increased number of wells being drilled in Bonneville county at new residential developments. Well approvals are regulated by the Idaho Department of Water Resources and the Bureau of Reclamation. Planning and Zoning and the County Commissioners are not the deciding entities regarding permits of wells.


City Council meeting November 10, 2022- Submitted by Dawna Howard, CCIF

I was the ONLY person in the meeting other than city employees. They were ALL very nice to me.

I think they missed the point of my 5 minutes BUT the mayor said she would send an officer over today to discuss the vandalism at our business, give me an update on the case and keep me informed of the actions taken. And Pam told me that she would make sure I got the documents I requested by Monday.

The city clerk quit\retired, so my first request got sent during that transition when there was no one at that email.


1. Next meeting will be Tuesday November 22, 2022 (I will not be able to attend) That will be really close to the work meeting, getting an agenda in a timely manner will be difficult. I suspect they will sneak a few things in during that meeting

2. Public Works requested $497,000 ($250,000 will be a grant) to develop a list of future improvements, prioritizing and recommending allocations for capital improvements. It will be compiled into a comprehensive facility plan. We currently process 17 million gallons a day. This will be completed by the end of 2023.

3. They authorized shut off of unpaid electrical bills with a charge to have it reinstated.

4. Fire station 4 & 5 will replace outdated ventilation/exhaust systems to be compatible with the current systems used in the other stations. 90% of that cost will be a grant.

5. 32 acres at Pancheri/South Yellowstone backing up to the Snake River (there is an old jerky plant there currently). Approved for Urban Renewal District creating a new taxing district. They call them TIF's. The plan included with the ordinance contains an outline of the potential projects which may be completed with TIF funds and a financial feasibility study demonstrating that the expected tax revenue can cover the costs of the project. The Idaho Fall Redevelopment Agency (IFRA) board approved the plan in its September 15 meeting. 20 years is the maximum allowed by state statute. From what I understand this pays more taxes giving tax relief to citizens. I have been researching and the concept seems credible. It will be completed over 20 years. The plan is for a 90 room hotel, restaurant and hopefully some retail. They showed lots of charts and numbers. You can request a copy of the 200 page document from the city (Brad Cramer). The city is to reimburse the developer $ 390,000 in 5(?) years. I didn’t write down a date but so it could be different. Resolution 2022-2905 if you want to look it up and read it.

6. Authorization of rezoning and building behind Skyline High School to 17th W. From my understanding it will be town homes and apartments similar to what they built and are building on Fremont Street. Local Contractor Matthew Bird will be building these units. Even though it was a Public Hearing NO ONE showed up to testify. From what I understand there was no public feedback during the neighborhood discussion meeting OR the planning and zoning meeting.


Please attend!

D93 and D91 will both hold meetings on Dec. 14 at 7:00 pm. Please attend to learn what is happening in our schools. The D91 meeting will be held in the Idaho Falls High school library- call (208) 525-7500. The D93 meeting will be in the boardroom at the District Offices, 3497 N. Ammon Rd- call 208-525-4400. We recommend calling before you go as sometimes their schedules can change last minute.


The Ammon Flagship homes project was defeated again because citizens got informed and showed up! The high-density housing project kept requesting R3 zoning while promising to only build to the density of R2. Many asked, why not just ask for R2 then? They claimed it was because they wanted the flexibility R3 would give them. Great concerns were expressed about not having the infrastructure in place to support the added strain such a large project would be sure to bring. Citizens also asked the county to insist these large builders front the cost for needed infrastructure changes to support their projects, instead of putting the burden on the taxpayers.

Idaho Falls Planning Commission Meeting December 6, 2022 submitted by Kathy Kula

1. Final plat for East River Townhomes Division No. 1 was approved. North of W 33 rd N,

east of the Snake River, south of Independence Dr, west of N 5 th W. The road for the

subdivision will eventually connect to 5 th west.

2. Final plat for Hidden Bridge Subdivision was approved. North of E 22 nd St, east of S

Higbee Ave, south of E 19 th St, west of S Holmes Ave. This is 28 lots for townhomes with

TN zoning. 3000 sq ft lots. This is west of Home Depot.

3. Final plat for Southbridge Subdivision was approved. North of E 49 th S, east for Victorian

Way, south of Castlerock Ln, west of S Holmes. R2 zoning, 6000 sq ft lots, after 30 lots

are completed a secondary access road will be built.

4. Final plat for Snake River West was approved contingently upon final details. North of

Porter Canal, east of Pioneer Rd, south of Interstate 15, west of Snake River Pkwy. Multi

family, CC zoning.

5. Final plat for Maverik Idaho Falls Subdivision was approved. North of US Hwy 20, East of

E 33 rd N, south of E 33 rd N, west of N 5 th E. This is a Maverik convenience store. It will

accommodate semi’s but not be an actual truck stop.

6. Final plat for Freeway Commercial Center Division No. 4 was approved. North of W 17 th

S, east of S Skyline, south of Pancheri Dr, west of Interstate 15. This is located near

Camping World. Zoned HC. Arkansas based company presented.

7. Presentation of planning commission service plaques were given to Brent Dixon, Joanne

Denney, George Morrison and Lindsey Romankiw.

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